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A Glimpse into the Journey of Mother General Maria del Monte & Mother Assistant Marie Rose of the Little Sisters of the Poor in Kolkata

Mother General Maria del Monte Auxiliadora makes her 2nd visit to India. She visits the Homes which she was not able to visit on her first visit. They arrived in Kolkata on 23rd and remined till 28th January 2025.

Mother General Maria del Monte Auxiliadora and Mother Assistant Marie Rose arrived in Kolkata at 1.30 am on 23rd January 2025. The next day a official welcome was given to the visitors by the elderly, the staff, Associates Jeanne Jugan and volunteers and the Little Sisters.

Staff dressed in white and red saris escorted Mother General, throwing flower petals along the way to a traditional Bengali song.

Afterwards, the AJJs gave her a traditional Bengali welcome with ’Chandan’ (Sandalwood paste on the forehead) and Arathi ( a tray of flowers and a lighted lamp), while one of them blew into a “Chanko’ (Shell) to announce the arrival of the visitors. Two residents, one with the walker and the other in a wheelchair presented huge bouquets of flowers. Mother General continuing on her way, was happy to greet the infirm residents who were waiting for her along the corridor, which was decorated with balloons in the colours of Indian, Spanish and French flags.

On the big day, Archbishop Thomas D’Souza of Kolkata presided over the Eucharist.

After Mass everyone gathered in the auditorium for a show; Bishop Thomas D’Souza, who attended the show, was delighted to see the Residents dancing and declared: “They always remain young at heart and happy in the Home.”

On 26th January, India’s Republic Day, shortly after morning Mass everyone gathered in the garden near the entrance where three men dressed as Mahatma Gandhi, Chacha Nehruji and Subash Chandra Bose (famous Calcutta characters), welcomed the participants. After praying for the country and its leaders, Father invited Mother General to join him in raising the flag. This solemn moment was followed by the National Anthem, as a shower of flower petals fell from above.

In the afternoon, Mother met the Associates Jeanne Jugan and spoke to them about the vocation of AJJ, thanking them for all they do for the Residents and the Home.

The following day, Mother planted a mango tree in the garden near the old Home, while Mother Provincial planted a coconut tree and Mother Marie Rose a ‘Jumblem tree’.

In the evening, we gathered in our garden near Calvary to place a commemorative plaque in the place where Mother Theresa stayed for a few months in our original Home before founding her own Congregation



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