Little Sisters of the Poor in India
At the service of the elderly Poor
Established on August, 1978

The Story of Mangalore Home
Already in 1969, the Bishop of Mangalore, Most Rev. Basil S. D’Souza, requested Mother General for a Home for the Aged in his diocese. That dream became a reality on August 1978 when our pioneers, four Little Sisters arrived in Mangalore at Shanti Kiran. Till then Sr.Dulcis, Bethany Sister was taking care of the little home at Shanthi Kiran.
In 1982 the well was bored that gave 3,500 gallons of water at the depth of 203 ft. in the building site (4.5 acres) just adjacent to Shanthi Kiran. As by law after the registration of Shanthi Kiran, only the building site can be registered. Due to some reason or other the application was being rejected, our elderly and Sisters doubled their prayer and waited in faith for the Lord’s hour.
Finally, the day when the D.C. officer came to make the tour of the property, he met a bed-ridden resident who requested the permission for the registration and he answered, “You shall have your land registered”. Mr.Quadros, who pleaded the cause, was radiant.
It is very remarkable from the time of our Mother Foundress St.Jeanne Jugan till today, our Patron, Protector and Provider – St. Joseph arranges everything; on his feast day 19th March 1984 we obtained the license to begin the construction of the New Home – which is our present Home for the Aged at Prem Nagar, Bajjodi. Our Home is entitled “Christ the King” and was officially opened on 30th August 1985 on the Feast of our Mother St.Jeanne Jugan. This home was constructed portion by portion and at last the construction work found its completion in December 1992.
The yearly monsoon here at Mangalore always causes a lot of damage to the building in spite of regular repairs and painting of the house. Added to this is the widening of the National Highway that obliges us to give part of our property to the Government. The pollution, dust and the noise of the heavy traffic both day and night disturb the quietness of the Home to a great extent. It is no longer safe for our Residents to go out and also causes a lot of inconveniences to live in this area; Hence we were obliged to search for another site to accommodate our residents safely and comfortably with all essential facilities.
After caring for the elderly and making them Happy as per our Mother St. Jeanne Jugan’s teaching, for the past 40 years, due to the National High Way Road widening project we were obliged to shift our Home for the Aged from Bajjodi to Maroli.
At Alape Village, Maroli, St. Antony’s Hill, Kulshekar: As the building site (4.5acres) at Bajjodi was gifted by the diocese, now the present (3 acres) building site was gifted by the diocese in an exchange with the property at Bajjodi.
On behalf of the diocese, Father Muller Medical College Trust is helped a certain amount as per the agreement made. Besides, the people of Mangalore were good and generous to extend their help towards the new construction, more and above their usual contribution towards our Home.
The newly constructed Home was officially opened on March 19, 2018 to the joy of one and all at St. Anthony's Hill, Maroli, Kulshekar, Mangalore - 575 005. We praise and thank God for helping us to realise this great project for the welfare of the aged Poor!