Little Sisters of the Poor in India
At the service of the elderly Poor
Established on January 3, 2021

14th Foundation in India

The Story of Goa Home

At the request of Bishop Philip Neri Ferrão, the Archbishop of Goa and Daman, the Little Sisters of the Poor set foot on Goa for their new foundation in Carmona, South Goa on January 3rd 2021.
The Archbishop of Goa and Daman, Most Rev. Filipe Neri António Sebastião do Rosário Ferrão, received a property with a house on it as a gift from Viegas family to the Archdiocese for the poor. He wanted to use it for the poor and was on the lookout for a mission to accomplish it. . Thanks to our dear Bro Edmund Antoa, Founder of the Crusaders for Jesus through Mary, who loves the Little Sisters and was determined to bring the Little Sisters to Goa, persuaded the Archbishop to invite the Little Sisters to take care of the Elderly Poor of the diocese of Goa & Daman. Thus, this new foundation was accepted in 2019. During her visit to India on 23rd October Sr. Catherine Emmanuel, our Bursar General, along with Mère Provinciale Mary Clara and Sr. Maria Virginia visited Carmona where they were warmly welcomed with great kindness by Archbishop of Goa, his team of Consulters, the parish priest and a delegation of parish members of Carmona where the house is located. This home was officially opened on Janury 3, 2021 and is placed under the patronage of St Francis Xavier. The Home will be called "St Francis Xavier Home for the Aged". We praise and thank God for giving us an opportunity to serve the elderly poor of Goa. We entrust this foundation to our loving protector, Saint Joseph!
The inauguration of the new Home for the Aged at Carmona, Goa took place on January 3, 2021. The Archbisop of Goa and Daman, Most Rev. Filipe Neri António Sebastião do Rosário Ferrão, officially opened the Home by unveiling the plaque and cutting the ribbon. The Home for the aged was blessed and inaugurated. The Little Sisters from three Homes participated in the event along with the three Little Sisters, pioneers of Carmona Home.